Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, Texan Mzungu is a Racist...

As I had said previously, I type this thing about my own perceptions and experiences…and try to have fun with it. I appreciate the many, many responses I have gotten supporting this blog that I play with. I also appreciate all of those who I have asked if they felt I was being overly racist in my rants. The reason I had asked this, is because there have been a couple of replies by Kenyans, mostly living in the U.S., who have angrily accused me of being a racist.

Personally, I don’t give a crap. Tiny-minded people like these make the world go around. However, I am going to have fun with the latest letter that was sent and include some “responses” to the accusations. I am not upset at all, rather I want to have fun at this idiots expense. I just love when self-entitled mental giants try to respond thinking they can “tear down the man”. This may get a tad offensive, so if you are not interested in reading stuff like that, stop here. Otherwise, the gloves come off now.

I will separate my comments by triple-asterisks (***) and spacing from the content of this dumbasses letter…

Guess who's back ..
Its the 'dipshit' ..

***I can see that! What wonderful words of wisdom do you have for me today?***

I understand you awould like to defend yourself as a victim and point out all the ugliness of both American and African societies but if you would take a minute to figure out WHAT people read in your blog, it would occur to you that you unfortunately have a very racist slant to your comments.

***I have never said I was a victim of anything, dipshit. I did point out some of the ugliness you mentioned in this post, but the very next post I only mentioned the things I loved. Your pinheaded narrow-mindedness only allows you to see what you want; therefore you are a victim of the very thing that pisses you off. Take off the rose-colored glasses…***

It appears that you single out black politicians as terrorists and idiots.

***Uh, I didn’t see all that many white politicians in Kenya, dipshit.***

I have no problem with you being a racist, you will get yours eventually, I write as a Kenyan who thinks that the sort of crap you write and put on the internet about MY country is onesided and tinged with the typical angry mzungu lenses.

***Excellent! Glad you have no problem yet you stuff my mailbox full of crap that says otherwise. You actually write as an angry black man that cannot take another’s point of view. It seems to me that you have Mzungu issues…what, were your forefathers not treated appropriately by British colonialism? Take that up with the Brits, it was not my doing. If you want to look at a map, globe,, whatever, you may find that Texas is not the same thing as England. However, I do not think that will do any good, it seems your are just pissed off at all white folks.***

Your only reason to go to kenya is because you thought youd live like king lording over some KYM's and having your undersized knob polished by some underaged negro girls.

***Actually, believe it or not, that is not the reason we went to Kenya. We went so that we could provide access to water by installing low-cost bore holes in rural Kenya. Additonally, we went there to provide either free or low-cost health care to those that cannot afford it. You are just an angry idiot for suggesting otherwise.***

You only speak highly of fellow wazungus, indians and the "US styled" malls where you can pretend to be at the local starbucks.

***That is not true. If your incessant ramblings were not just angry diatribe, I might tell you of the Kenyans I hung out with, the ones we shared dinners with, etc… Actually, I do not think I ever spent any time with another white person the entire time I was there. Where do you get your information? Also, if you had ever heard me rant against Starbucks, you would know just how incredibly foolish you sound…but it sounds like you have been to one and know what they are all about.***

If you had the cojones of a real man, you'd stand by your REAL thoughts and be the redneck youare, but instead youpretend to be the globetrotting negro loving, socially conscious jesus.

***If you had any “cojones” at all, you would find another hobby other than ranting like an angry black man! I take you calling me a “redneck” as a compliment. Thank you. The only thing I pretend to be is tolerant of ignorant assholes like you…but something tells me I am failing at that.***

How dare you say " I love kenyan culture" ..what a crock..! Show me any part og your blog where you actually do so ...

***I don’t want to go back and read my 30+ blogs to try and find something to appease you. I also did not document every single day and every single event of my living in Kenya. I love it, you are pissed that I enjoyed it, get over it.***

You are who you are and as i said, I think Kenya is better off without your negative, racist and bogus self.

***Maybe you are right? Maybe not. Only time will tell. However there is no question Kenya is better off without you, where you can blend in with the rest of the assholes here in the States. One observation I have never put into print, but need to do so now as you are part of this group. African Americans kind of give Africans a bad name. You are doing this in spades.***

If you don’t want to hear from people like me, then stop writing nonsense on the web about a country of proud, intelligent and BLACK people.

***Actually, it is pretty easy to ignore you if I feel like it. Maybe you should do the same thing and ignore my blogs? I will admit, they are well written and a good read so I can see why you cannot just tear yourself away. You can go to sleep tonight knowing I am laughing my ass off at you as I think you are just like the baboons I saw on the side of the road in Kenya. You don’t bother me…obviously I bother you! I win!!! ***




  1. Wow this is deep.

    For the record, I don’t think you are racist and this guy/girl is just bitter. Pretty much all my Kenyan friends read your blog and none of them think you are racist.

    Some Kenyans feel that if you criticise any element of our lovely country that makes you a racist. I don’t.

    I think you are a bit too suspicious of people trying to con you but I am Kenyan and I am exactly the same. Always feel like someone is trying to make a killing out of my small coin purse. I guess that comes with the territory and most people who have lived in Kenya will testify to feeling the same.

    Racist is an extremely strong word to call someone and in this case I think it’s more an insult rather than an accusation.

    I can see the recent US citizen paedophile case hasn’t done you any favours LOL. Ignore the guy and keep posting. Sometimes its good to see yourself from others eyes (see Kenyans from an outsiders point of view) to recognise your flaws.

  2. Thank you Eric.

    I am surprised by the number of people that read my blog. I had initially started writing it only for my family back home. Considering the audience, I was writing only for Americans...many of whom have never really ventured outside their comfort zones before. To understand my intended audience might clear up some misconceptions too...or at least I hope anyhow.

    I got conned a few times...especially in Watamu/Malindi. I started sending my friend, Francis, in to buy anything we needed as he was a local and bought at a SIGNIFICANT discount from what I would be asked to pay. Worked for us. Have a local go into a drugstore for Malarone...then have a Mzungu walk in. The difference is significant, to say the least.

    Calling someone a "racist" in the U.S. is pretty harsh...just look at the news and former President Jimmy Carter for an example. I am actually married to a brown-skinned woman who is the love of my life, so I tend to look past a lot of the racist quotes as I am comfortable in my own skin too.

    Tell your friends that I thank them for reading my ramblings...makes me feel good actually. I have much love not only for Kenya, but Kenyans too.

    Thanks for taking the time to send me the message, it is appreciated.

  3. As Bwana Eric says " Sometimes its good to see yourself from others eyes (see Kenyans from an outsiders point of view) to recognise your flaws.", I think that is pretty poignant. Your wring is always interesting as I get to read about my country from another persons perspective who has not really lived there and it coming in whith a blank slate.
    I still maintain that the particular choice of words you use at times, does not augur well to shed the racist calls from others though I see your intention to infuse some humor and the proverbial beat down.
    Racism unfortunately manifests itself in many ways one one of them is in humor hence the need to be sure of how it comes across. I am sure you are not racist but if this blog would suddenly be famous, you would have significant backlash because of it I am sure. Given your apparent 'hell or the highway scorched earth style of writing' you seem like someone who would dig his heels and try to defend them much to the detriment of the situation.
    I enjoyed your insight into Kenya and your colorful way of describing things that I fondly recall.
    Blog on..

  4. Babawatoto,

    Thank you, again, for your response. This is a part of the blog that I truly enjoy!

    I think you may be right, if I were to run for President of the United States, there would be material here for my competition...but then again, they would only have to do a cursory dig and find way more stuff than accusations or writings of supposed racism. I am far from perfect and have more than my fair share of flaws...keeps me humble? Probably not.

    My style of writing definitely has its flaws too. I write only for my American family and friends...not necessarily for Kenyans. Reading from an American point of view...most never traveling outside of the U.S.A.; it is found both very interesting and amusing. Reading it from a Kenyan point of view, it could go either way. My experiences comes to a 70/30 for/against...but not scientific by any means.

    That being said, I have made two trips to Kenya. Once in 2007 for three weeks and the most recent with intention of moving there permanently but only lasting a little over four months. I cannot claim to have the insight and knowledge of a true Kenyan...kind of why I chose "Texan Mzungu" as my title, so that folks would know exactly what perspective it was coming from.

    Contrary to what was said earlier by many others, I found an insane number of Kenyans that would just about give their left arm to move to the U.S. My exact take with them was to say that it is not necessarily as great as they have seen/heard in the movies. Most everyone thought every American ate most meals at McDonalds, all listen to Rap music, live the Southern California lifestyle, it never gets hot, everyone is rich beyond imagination, most blacks marry blond white girls, and one has to be Christian.

    Other remarks are that I have never experienced anything but the "Affluent America". I have lived in South Central L.A. for awhile, spent a lot of time in inner-city Detroit and familiar with Oak Cliff, Fort Worth, and a few other "less than desirable" areas. None of the aforementioned areas would be any safer than Nairobi...possibly even more dangerous as a lot of U.S. thugs carry guns.

    Back to the racism thing, believe it or not I am color blind. My wife is dark-skinned, her family of a completely different culture. Not just my writings, but my life is "hell or the highway/scorched Earth" mode in most everything I do...and it has suited me well. And yes, I dig my heels in to defend anything I do when I feel ignorance is lashing out at me. Well informed, constructive discussions (hopefully) provoke similar response.

    I appreciate your insight and will take it to heart. I enjoy your views and look forward to future exchanges.

    Texan Mzungu
